Just speak your note, and it will be saved as text. This notepad app was designed to quickly jot down your ideas, with minimal hassle. And it makes it easy to keep those ideas organized.
* Hands-free speech recognition at the press of a single button.
* Searchable. Notes are indexed for fast searching.
* Password protection option for notes.
* Share notes with SMS, email, Twitter, and any other app that accepts plain text.
* Quickly add notes. If you have a slide out keyboard, just slide it out and start typing.
* Accepts plain text from other apps that share.
* Password locked notes are encrypted beyond the first 20 characters. This allows you to be able to identify and search for the note, while at the same time have the rest of it encrypted with the AES encryption standard. This is the same encryption standard used by the US government and banks.
* Star notes with star filtering.
* Color-code notes and filter your list by color.
* Organize notes by category.
* Deleted notes are moved to the trash so you have a chance to restore them.
Added Features:
* SD Card Backup and Restore. Lets you make a backup of all your notes and stores them encrypted on your SD card.
* Continue button after creating your voice note, so you can add additional speech text if needed.
* Time to Breathe option - lets you choose how long to wait before stopping speech input.
* Full Screen and popup screen text editors.
* Quotation marks. You can now say Quotation Mark and it will place one in your note.
* Carriage Return. You can say Carriage Return to simulate pressing the Enter key.
* Category Sharing. You can share/export an entire category of notes.
* Light and Dark Themes.
Popular uses:
* Text editor. This is the classic note pad functionality. ListNote works well as a scratchpad, memopad, or note book - much like the classic android apps colornote, ak notepad, and note everything, but with more speech-to-text functionality.
* Quick and easy note taking with speech to text. Your voice is "recorded" as text. Does not function as an actual voice recorder though.
* You can create a to do list, also refered to as a ToDo list, or 2do list. Similar to list maker apps such as anydo (any.do) or mobislenotes, but with voice recognition as a more integral part.
* Task list. Like other free notepad apps such as wunderlist, astrid, or gtd, but with speech recognition playing a more prominent role.
* Shopping list. Great when you want to quickly write down something you'll need at the grocery store.
* Notebook organized with color tabs. You can make a color note tab by long-pressing a note and selecting "Change Tab Color".
* Simple notetaking. Many people prefer a notepad app that doesn't require you to make an account and upload all your notes to a server like Evernote or Springpad. There is no account necessary with ListNote. All your notes are stored on your own device.
* Dictation software. You can transcribe your thoughts quickly and easily. You can then edit the result like you would with any text pad or scratch pad. When you're editing the notes with the textpad, you can insert speech anywhere in the text, and even undo the last speech input if it didn't turn out right.
* Memo pad. Works great as a memo app, much like others such as inkpad, mobisle, and catch, but with a different feature set.
* Secure notes. You can create safe notes that are private. These private notes are locked with password protection. When you lock a note it's an easy way to encrypt text from prying eyes.
* Google voice search is required for speech to text functionality to work. Most devices come with it pre-installed. If you don't want to use the speech recognition functions, the app is still fully functional without it.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">只需说出您的笔记,它会被保存为文本。这个记事本程序的目的是要迅速记下你的想法,以最小的麻烦。它可以很容易地保持这些组织的观点。
* SD卡备份和恢复。让你做你所有的笔记,并将其存储在加密SD卡的备份。
*时间呼吸选项 - 让你选择多久停止语音输入之前要等待。
*文本编辑器。这是经典的记事本功能。 ListNote行之有效的便笺,记事簿,或记事本 - 很像经典的Android应用程序colornote,AK记事本,并记下了一切,但更多的语音到文本的功能。
*谷歌语音搜索所需的语音到文本的功能工作。大多数设备都与它预装。如果不希望使用的语音识别功能,该应用仍然是全功能的,没有它。</div> <div class="show-more-end">